About Us
Business Intelligence and Data Analysis services turning your data into information and actionable insights, cost-effectively
With 20+ years experience in business intelligence, coupled with the use of leading edge BI software tools and expertise in simplifying data, we offer proven solutions to help you see the real business picture and seize the most of your opportunities
Everything starts with data – we show you where to source open data or we work with your data using latest business intelligence techniques
We love to work with data and create your visual solutions
Insightful visuals
Converting your data into meaningful reports to show you the big picture
Data experience
Experienced in analysing data of all shapes and sizes to create actionable insights
Big company client focused services at small company costs
We have a full range of BI and Data Analysis services for any industry
Business Intelligence
Turning data into intelligence to provide actionable insights using Tableau software and other BI tools
Data sourcing
Experienced in downloading open data sets especially relating to medicines and demographics
Consultancy and additional services
BI Consultancy and related services to maximise your ROI with your data
Companies who utilise data to their advantage will increase competitive edge and
customer satisfaction
Latest projects
We can access a variety of Open Government NHS data sets containing medicines prescribed and dispensed in the 4 UK nations and also the Secondary Care Medicine data for NHS Trusts across England. We use our expertise to collate this information which we can now make available to you very cost-effectively…

We overlay different datasets in visual maps utilising the latest features in Tableau software

We are constantly striving to use the latest BI tools to help customers quickly see both the big picture and also drill into detail